The actions run in their normal order but each flow in their own queue, the last queue waits until the first one is done before running. Making the process serial
All actions are visible for both records because the shared queueable group. This causes the two to have a dependancy
Upon an error all consecutive actions inside a queue are skipped
NOTE: Beware of the “Maximum stack depth has been reached.“ error. See considerations above.
NOTE: Creating a flow with a static group for all processes will result in a long list within the Flow Diagnose, because all actions are dependant on each other. Best practice is to use a value that makes sense for the dependancy. I.e. You can reference the account id as the group for your account, opportunity, quote flows. Making sure the opportunity and quote folder creation flows only run after the account flow is done.
Scenario 008: Two DMLs in a separate transaction for record A