The Record-Triggered Flow ensures that an account folder hierarchy is created with some properties from
the Salesforce record
Accounts Folder (Create Folder)
The Salesforce account folder gets its folder name by referencing the account name. In addition, the folder is pinned to the account record, ensuring that the folder is automatically opened when end-users load the record. After the folder creation, the folder column Category is updated to reflect the Account Type.
Sub Folders (Create Folder)
Cases, Opportunities, General, Price Lists, Financial, and Products are all sub-folders underneath the account folder. Cases and Opportunities are left out if the account has the type Competitor.
Sharing (Unshare by Id; Share by Salesforce Id)
We end the process with a commit as a Queueable Group linked to the account id. All previous actions are queued and processed. See Queueable Groups to see the expected behaviour
Non competitors |
Competitors | |