In the Flow Diagnose UI, you might see that some actions have a border around their icons. This is to indicate that these actions are linked to the current Salesforce record. Some processes go beyond the record. i.e. creating an account folder, opportunity folder, and a quote folder in one hierarchy. They would still show in the Flow Diagnose UI because of its dependency, but might not be within the scope of the current record. These actions that are from a different record would not indicate a border.
Help us improve
We are continuously looking for improved ways to make working with Filenize as simple and transparent as possible. The Flow Diagnose UI is one of many to achieve that goal. We see that an error can be easily made with the wrong set up, preparation, limitation, and assumptions. With the UI we hope to give you the insight needed to find the error and correct where needed. Saving you time debugging the situation. Let us know your experience and where we can make the process even simpler and more user-friendly.