When users use the login button, they only see a blank page
Some users do not automatically have access to the named credential that was created, this is not included in the Filenize User or Admin permission set. To resolve this, you need to clone the Filenize User or Admin permission set, edit it, open Named Credential Access, and add your named credential to the Enabled Named Credentials column. Or provide access to those users with another new permission set.
Users don’t see Authentication Settings for External Users under their personal settings
Salesforce hides the menu item if the user does not have access to any named credential that exists in the org. This can be resolved using the steps described in 10.1
As an admin i don’t see my sites or subsites when configuring my SharePoint instance
This can be due to a couple of reasons :
Your Named Credential url is directly targeting your site or subsite. Make sure the url ends with http://sharepoint.com
You don’t have read permission on the site or subsite. Make sure your SharePoint admin has provided you the minimal access rights
You have read permission but was granted recently. The method to show the available sites and subsites is done by a specific method which is indexed by SharePoint. SharePoint refreshes it indexes every couple of minutes / to an hour. We don’t have any control over this.
The workaround is to fill in the site or subsite in the Manual field and click on Use when done. The value can be found in the url when visiting SharePoint Online. i.e. …/mycompany.sharepoint.com/sites/SITE/SUBSITE/…