Added the Flow Diagnose UI to review any Filenize flow errors in the Lightning Component. In addition it's now possible to retry any step that took place in the flow. By default the error indication is only visible for Filenize admins
Added a small visual indicator that shows if the user is a Filenize admin
Added invocable action to unshare a folder using a Salesforce user id
Added invocable action to reset a folder inheritance
Added an optional checkbox on the "create folder (and pin)" invocable action to also reset the inheritance
Added Queueable Groups which allows certain automations to wait for other automations that share a common identifier. Allowing independent flow actions to run in serial mode
Added invocable action to commit all actions under a Queueable Group
Changed create folder, edit node and upload file prompt to hide the metadata view if no metadata is configurable
Removed an additional call when loading folders for pagination, now retrieved in the initial call
Fixed an issue where removing the delete functionality from the Lightning Component was not respected with files and folders selected
Fixed an issue where the Filenize component was not refreshed properly on record updates
Fixed an issue where some authentication errors were not presented correctly
Fixed an issue where the sharing invocable actions was not correctly checking the running user sharing permission. In addition, an optional checkbox is added to the sharing actions to skip the process if the user has no permission
Fixed an issue where the parent folder would show on the root folder for some permissions
Added lazy loading functionality on items within a folderfunctionality to load more files and folders if not visible. By default 25 files and/or folders are shown
Added the functionality to share the current folder
Added the option to disable sharing on the Lightning Component
Added leading zero's to the references in the Filenize Flow action logs
Fixed an issue where some batches would exceed the DML or SOQL limitation
Notice: api method getFolderByRelativeUrl(..) no longer returns subfolders and files. Please use getNodesByRelativeUrl(..) for that functionality