v2.12 Digital Experience
Added support for Digitial Experience (communities)
Added a portal user named principle option in FIlenize setup for delegating Filenize actions on the portal through a known SharePoint user
Added the option to hide the browser section of Filenize. For scenarios where you want to limit users only to uploading files. i.e. on the portal
Added Trusted Sites entries for Filenize’s icongraphy to work on portals
Learn more about these endpoints here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges?view=o365-worldwide&redirectSourcePath=%252fen-us%252farticle%252fOffice-365-URLs-and-IP-address-ranges-8548a211-3fe7-47cb-abb1-355ea5aa88a2
Added an additional user authentication check on Filenize actions to only run if the user has authenticated
Added Filenize icons and labels for the Lightning Component in the Lightning Builder
Added a waiting mechanism for background running actions if SharePoint returns a 503 (Service Unavailable) or 429 (To Many Requests) error code
Fixed an issue with the 400 characters folder/file limit check
Fixed an issue uploading files bigger than the Salesforce limitation
Added a folder check for existence before creating a subfolder, avoiding a 500 server error if a folder is not found (https://bitbucket.org/7dots_eu/bf-filenize/issues/3/creating-a-subfolder-in-a-nonexisting )
Added an option to the Lightning Component to enable/disable folder creation
Added an option to the Lightning Component to enable/disable folder pinning
Added an option to the Lightning Component to enable/disable file uploads
Added an option to the Lightning Component to enable/disable global searching
Added an option to the Lightning Component to show a screen if no matching SharePoint folder is found by the Salesforce record
Added the option to show/hide a button to show the root folder as a fallback
Added the option to show a custom message to the end-user