Added the option to disable folder and file edits in the UI
Added a filter to the header showing the current running action and flow diagnose to only show actions that are triggered by the same SharePoint instance
Added the Provider Instance field to the Filenize Action object
Added support for coloring folders with through a new invocable action (https://www.microsoft.com/nl-nl/microsoft-365/roadmap?filters=&searchterms=124980 )
This does not currently color the folders in Filenize; it only affects Sharepoint Online. Microsoft has not yet released the updated icons in their styling framework. We will monitor this change and apply the update to Filenize once it is available.
Fixed an issue that shows the parent folder even though the option is disabled
Fixed an issue showing an error about nodes when “No folder related to this Salesforce record was found in SharePoint.“
Fixed an issue not showing all metadata values during search
Install Filenize for: Production or Sandbox
Config Changes
Reordererd Reordered configuration steps in a more logical way
Added the functionality to directly assign the Filenize Admin permission set to the current user if no assignments has have been made yet
Added more filters in the user status screen
Added the option to assign/remove licenses and permission sets directly in the user status screen
Added the option to export the current user status list to CSV
Added a direct link to the Authentication Settings for an External Sysem System in the user status screen
Updated the new SharePoint Instance prompt to present clickable links to all sites, subsites, document libraries and improved the search tool
Fixed an issue with the open and close indicator for certain sections
Fixed an issue when an error in a selector would not indicate an error on the section itself
Fixed an issue that was triggering the permission check to many times per SharePoint instance
UI Changes
Added the posibility possibility to hide the Filenize browser section
Added the possibility to hide the Filenize search bar
Added a label to the Filenize, Filenize config and Filenize Actions component
Filenize Actions
Added a Filenize Logger object which stores crucial information needed for diagnosing certain processes, these are automaticly automatically added to Filenize Action Runs
Added the Filenize Action Group, Filenize Action, and Filenize Action Runs objects to facilitate automated actions runs.
A group is a collection of actions and can be dependant on other groups, allowing the group to wait to start certain automations
An action is a collection of runs and stores the invocable action that is used in Salesforce Flow
A run is the execution of the parent action and stores information about the executions lifetime. An action can be retried which results in a new run.
Committing and running Filenize Actions now checks if the user has access to Filenize
Changed the way Filenize Actions are presented in the Flow Diagnose prompt. In addition these visuals are also added to the configuration screen with different views
Each Filenize Action now does a proper 403 check per callout to quickly find out underlying issues with permissions
Filenize also tracks the Apex Job automaticly automatically to detect if any non-catching exceptions occurred in the past
New Named Credentials
Added a Auth Provider selector and guideline steps in the configuration screen to assist with the new named credential process
Added the functionality to create the neccesary necessary Named Credentials and External Credentials for each role (Standard, Service, and Portal user)
Added named credential guideline steps to help the user to configure the named credentials for Filenize to work
Added a step that shows the login link for Filenize Admins to copy and distribute to their team
Added a portal user named principle option in Filenize setup for delegating Filenize actions on the portal through a known SharePoint user
Digital Experience Support
Updated the Filenize component to also work in a Digitial Digital Experience
Added Trusted Sites entries for Filenize’s icongraphy iconography to work on portals
Learn more about these endpoints here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges?view=o365-worldwide&redirectSourcePath=%252fen-us%252farticle%252fOffice-365-URLs-and-IP-address-ranges-8548a211-3fe7-47cb-abb1-355ea5aa88a2
Updated all versions to 59.0
Fixed an issue that was displaying a null error message on some SharePoint responses
The code of Filenize received an overhaul to improve performances, traceability, reusability and modularity
The error component now also shows all information from the FilenizeLogger object that was constructed in the transaction
Changed the way 403 (permission) errors are diagnosed and presented
FilenizeQueueableChain (now we only use FilenizeQueueable)