v3.1 (Staging)
Added the option to disable folder and file edits in the UI
Added a filter to the header showing the current running action and flow diagnose to only show actions that are triggered by the same SharePoint instance
Added the Provider Instance field to the Filenize Action object
Fixed an issue that shows the parent folder even though the option is disabled
Fixed an issue showing an error about nodes when “No folder related to this Salesforce record was found in SharePoint.“
v3.0 Digital Experience
Install Filenize for: Production or Sandbox
Config Changes
Reordererd configuration steps in a more logical way
Added the functionality to directly assign the Filenize Admin permission set to the current user if no assignments has been made yet
Added more filters in the user status screen
Added the option to assign/remove licenses and permission sets directly in the user status screen
Added the option to export the current user status list to CSV
Added a direct link to the Authentication Settings for an External Sysem in the user status screen
Updated the new SharePoint Instance prompt to present clickable links to all sites, subsites, document libraries and improved the search tool
Fixed an issue with the open and close indicator for certain sections
Fixed an issue when an error in a selector would not indicate an error on the section itself
Fixed an issue that was triggering the permission check to many times per SharePoint instance
UI Changes
Added the posibility to hide the Filenize browser section
Added the possibility to hide the Filenize search bar
Added a label to the Filenize, Filenize config and Filenize Actions component
Filenize Actions
Added a Filenize Logger object which stores crucial information needed for diagnosing certain processes, these are automaticly added to Filenize Action Runs
Added the Filenize Action Group, Filenize Action, and Filenize Action Runs objects to facilitate automated actions runs.
A group is a collection of actions and can be dependant on other groups, allowing the group to wait to start certain automations
An action is a collection of runs and stores the invocable action that is used in Salesforce Flow
A run is the execution of the parent action and stores information about the executions lifetime. An action can be retried which results in a new run.
Committing and running Filenize Actions now checks if the user has access to Filenize
Changed the way Filenize Actions are presented in the Flow Diagnose prompt. In addition these visuals are also added to the configuration screen with different views
Each Filenize Action now does a proper 403 check per callout to quickly find out underlying issues with permissions
Filenize also tracks the Apex Job automaticly to detect if any non-catching exceptions occurred in the past
New Named Credentials
Added a Auth Provider selector and guideline steps in the configuration screen to assist with the new named credential process
Added the functionality to create the neccesary Named Credentials and External Credentials for each role (Standard, Service, and Portal user)
Added named credential guideline steps to help the user to configure the named credentials for Filenize to work
Added a step that shows the login link for Filenize Admins to copy and distribute to their team
Added a portal user named principle option in Filenize setup for delegating Filenize actions on the portal through a known SharePoint user
Digital Experience Support
Updated the Filenize component to also work in a Digitial Experience
Added Trusted Sites entries for Filenize’s icongraphy to work on portals
Learn more about these endpoints here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-gb/microsoft-365/enterprise/urls-and-ip-address-ranges?view=o365-worldwide&redirectSourcePath=%252fen-us%252farticle%252fOffice-365-URLs-and-IP-address-ranges-8548a211-3fe7-47cb-abb1-355ea5aa88a2
Updated all versions to 59.0
Fixed an issue that was displaying a null error message on some SharePoint responses
The code of Filenize received an overhaul to improve performances, traceability, reusability and modularity
The error component now also shows all information from the FilenizeLogger object that was constructed in the transaction
Changed the way 403 (permission) errors are diagnosed and presented
FilenizeQueueableChain (now we only use FilenizeQueueable)
Added a waiting mechanism for background running actions if SharePoint returns a 503 (Service Unavailable) or 429 (To Many Requests) error code
Fixed an issue with the 400 characters folder/file limit check
Fixed an issue uploading files bigger than the Salesforce limitation
Added a folder check for existence before creating a subfolder, avoiding a 500 server error if a folder is not found (https://bitbucket.org/7dots_eu/bf-filenize/issues/3/creating-a-subfolder-in-a-nonexisting )
Added an option to the Lightning Component to enable/disable folder creation
Added an option to the Lightning Component to enable/disable folder pinning
Added an option to the Lightning Component to enable/disable file uploads
Added an option to the Lightning Component to enable/disable global searching
Added an option to the Lightning Component to show a screen if no matching SharePoint folder is found by the Salesforce record
Added the option to show/hide a button to show the root folder as a fallback
Added the option to show a custom message to the end-user
Added server and client URL validation to prevent a server relative URL greater than 400 characters (SharePoint limitation)
Added a new invocable action to rename files and folders
Added a new invocable action to copy files
Added a new invocable action to move files and folders
Fixed an issue where some actions were failing if the given path was not explicit
Fixed an issue that caused too many ConnectAPI calls to query the new Named Credential
Some changes to improve performance
Some minor bug fixes
Removed the need for a callout to get domain information for every UI to server interaction
Fixes the “Connect API’s hourly request limit“ that is relevant now with the support of External Credentials
Improves UI loading performance
Fixed an issue with the flow diagnose UI polling and the queueable server polling that would cause DML conflicts and the server to wait endlessly. This issue started after 2.8.
Error handling now collects more data and tries to present the correct information and solution. In addition, on permission errors, a separate diagnosis is started to find the root cause of the lacking permission.
Filenize now supports External Credentials and shows a deprecated warning when using legacy Named Credentials. External Credentials comes with extra end-user functionality:
The authentication is directly started when using the Log In button. No more going through personal settings
After authentication, the user is redirected back to the configuration/record page instead of the Salesforce home page
Named Principle access is supported for the normal authentication (was only Per User Principle before). Allowing you to use Filenize with one specific SharePoint user. Do note that user-specific functions (sharing/unsharing) will always use the SharePoint user that did the authentication, not the running user.
IMPORTANT: Changed the behavior of the Filenize User permission set. The Filenize User permission set needs to be set to all users, including admins. The Filenize admin permission set is an addition. Recommended is to also use the Filenize User permission set for your External Credential mapping
Filenize will now sync the user when using the Lightning Component. Before this was only done so in the configuration page. The method call is asynchronous and does not impact loading.
User Status now shows filters for status Synced and Not Connected
User Status now shows the user avatars instead of a fixed icon
User Status now shows the User Principle identifier instead of the Id. As the Id can differ between sites, the User Principle stays static. In addition, the User Principle is useful for detecting if the authentication was done by the same person.
Flow Diagnose now shows transactions descending
Flow Diagnose now shows the completed date instead of the last modified date
Flow Diagnose errors are now only shown if not seen before
Invocable flows now conform to a new interface called FilenizeProcessable which supports the use of process record manipulation and additional logging. All Filenize invocables implemented this interface. FilenizeActionable is deprecated
Additional logging is stored on the Process records within the Log field
The Share and Unshare invocable now populated the target user if found, if not then this is stated in the logging field. The field can be used for reporting/notification purposes, which are out of scope of the Managed Package itself
The ordering of components within the Configuration screen has changed. The three new sections are “Authentication”, “Service User Authentication” (optional), and “Configuration”
Manage Access now also shows the access applied by inheritance, before only access rules were shown when inheritance was off
Invocable actions from the Filenize package now comes with custom icons!
Fixed an issue with showing mulltiple loading overlays
Fixed an issue with showing Metadata fields when creating/editing folders that were configured as hidden
Fixed an issue with giving your own user folder permission if that user had permission due to inheritance
Fixed an issue with finding users that are in AD but not added yet to the configurated site
Header visuals changed and now support multiple screen sizes and lightning page regions
Fixed an issue with the metadata flow action where the value field was required. Effectively causing errors on computed null values.
Fixed a visual issue on row icons being compressed with multiple metadata columns
Fixed an issue where the new reset functionality for the Create Folder actions would show an error for some permissions
Added the Flow Diagnose UI to review any Filenize flow errors in the Lightning Component. In addition, it's now possible to retry any step that took place in the flow. By default, the error indication is only visible for Filenize admins
Added a small visual indicator that shows if the user is a Filenize admin
Added invocable action to unshare a folder using a Salesforce user-id
Added invocable action to reset a folder inheritance
Added an optional checkbox on the "create folder (and pin)" invocable action to also reset the inheritance
Added Queueable Groups which allows certain automation to wait for other automation that share a common identifier. Allowing independent flow actions to run in serial mode
Added invocable action to commit all actions under a Queueable Group
Changed create folder, edit node, and upload file prompt to hide the metadata view if no metadata is configurable
Removed an additional call when loading folders for pagination, now retrieved in the initial call
Fixed an issue where removing the delete functionality from the Lightning Component was not respected with files and folders selected
Fixed an issue where the Filenize component was not refreshed properly on record updates
Fixed an issue where some authentication errors were not presented correctly
Fixed an issue where the sharing invocable actions were not correctly checking the running user sharing permission. In addition, an optional checkbox is added to the sharing actions to skip the process if the user has no permission
Fixed an issue where the parent folder would show on the root folder for some permissions
Added functionality to load more files and folders if not visible. By default 25 files and/or folders are shown
Added the functionality to share the current folder
Added the option to disable sharing on the Lightning Component
Added leading zero's to the references in the Filenize Flow action logs
Fixed an issue where some batches would exceed the DML or SOQL limitation
Notice: API method getFolderByRelativeUrl(..) no longer returns subfolders and files. Please use getNodesByRelativeUrl(..) for that functionality
Fixed an issue where some folders would still trigger the heap size error
Fixed an issue where invocable sharing actions would not save the error message properly
Fixed an issue where the client-side delete permission was not working properly in the file/folder submenu
Fixed a heap size error when a folder contains more than hundreds of subfolders
Added an additional user check confirmation based on the service user, if applicable
Fixed an issue where multiline text information was not shown properly in the columns
Fixed an issue with currency empty values
v2.0 Metadata Update
Fixed an issue where some users were not able to access folders with Read permission
Fixed an issue where an error on pinning folders was not presented correctly
Fixed an issue where the Filenize step-by-step configuration was showing as incomplete when completed
Fixed an issue where a flow error would still execute consecutive SharePoint actions
Fixed an issue where empty optional flow parameters would cause issues in some scenarios
Fixed an issue where the component would go back to its root after ending a search
Fixed some styling issues
Added the functionality to show and order metadata in the Filenize UI
Added the functionality to search within folder and file metadata
Added the functionality to manage which metadata is editable
Added the functionality to change folder metadata upon folder creation
Added the functionality to edit folder and file metadata
Added the functionality to change file metadata after uploading
Added the functionality to create Metadata Mappings, which populate folder or file metadata based on the Salesforce record
Added the functionality to search folders and files locally or globally, local as the new default
Changed the auto-deletion of logs from 1 day to 1 month old
Added a total summary under Filenize setup User Status UI
Added user search functionality under Filenize setup User Status UI
Added additional access information under each SharePoint instance. The information shows access to the Site/Subsite and Document Library for the current user
Added a possibility to search for a site and subsite when creating a SharePoint instance
Added permission check when creating the SalesforceId column when using the diagnose tool
Added a FileUpload apex helper that generates the FileUpload chunks needed for the upload API for you. supports [Attachments, Content Versions, Content Documents]
Added the upload file invocable action. supports [Attachments, Content Versions, Content Documents]
Added an option with the sharing flow action to continue consecutive actions if no Salesforce user has been found that is linked to SharePoint
Client-side bug fixes
Manage access user interface improved for handling many groups, users and non-users
Fixed an issue that prevented the removal of a permission role
Added additional diagnose capabilities for debugging API/Flow misconfigurations
New Configuration layout
Added a User Status page that gives an overview of all licensed users and their connection status
Fixed an issue that caused Domain Groups to not show properly in the UI
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